Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Group VI

Section 1: Nordic Sledge Dogs

1.1. Large sized hounds


Chien de Saint-Hubert/Bloodhound (84)


Poitevin (24)

Billy (25)

Français tricolore/French Tricolour Hound (219)

Français blanc et noir/French White and Black Hound (220)

Français blanc et orange/French White and Orange Hound (316)

Grand anglo-français tricolore/Great Anglo-French Tricolour Hound (322)

Grand anglo-français blanc et noir/Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound (323)  

Grand anglo-français blanc et orange/Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound (324)

Grand bleu de Gascogne/Gascony Hound (22)

Grand gascon saintongeois/Great Gascon Saintongeois (21)

Grand griffon vendéen/Grand Griffon Vendeen(282)

 Great Britain:

English Foxhound (159)

Otterhound (294)  


American Foxhound (303)

Black and Tan Coonhound (300)


1.2 Medium sized hounds

 Bosnia (F.C.I.):

Bosanski Oštrodlaki Goniè Barak/Bosnian coarse-haired Hound - called Barak (155)


Istarski kratkodlaki goniè/Istrian short-haired Hound (151)

Istarski oštrodlaki goniè/Istrian coarse-haired Hound (152)

Posavski goniè /Posavaz Hound (154)


Sabueso Espanol/Spanish Hound (204)


Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (325)

Ariégeois (20)

Beagle-Harrier (290)

Chien d´Artois/Artois Hound (28)

Porcelaine (30)

Petit bleu de Gascogne/Small Blue Gascony Hound (31)

Petit gascon saintongeois/Small Gascon Saintongeois (21)

Briquet griffon vendéen/Medium Griffon Vendeen (19)

Griffon bleu de Gascogne/Blue Gascony Griffon (32)

Griffon fauve de Bretagne/Fawn Brittany Griffon (66)

Griffon nivernais (17)  

 Great Britain:

Harrier (295)


Hellinikos Ichnilatis/Hellenic Hound (214)


Segugio Italiano/Italian Hound- a pelo raso/Short-haired (337)

Segugio Italiano/Italian Hound- a pelo forte/Coarse-haired (198)

 Serbia and  Montenegro:

Srpski Trobojni Goniæ/Serbian Tricolour Hound (229)

Crnogorski Planinski Goniæ/Montenegrin Mountain Hound (279)

Srbski Goniæ/Serbian Hound (150)


Erdélyi Kopó/Transylvanian Hound (241)


Dunker/Norwegian Hound (203)

Haldenstovare/Halden Hound (267)

Hygenhund/Hygen Hound (266)


Österreichische Glatthaarige Bracke/Austrian Black and Tan Hound (63)

Steirische Rauhhaarbracke/Styrian coarse-haired Hound (62)

Tiroler Bracke/Tyrolean Hound (68)


Ogar Polski/Polish Hound (52)


Schweizer Laufhunde - Chiens courants suisses/Swiss Hound (59): a) Berner Laufhund/Bernese Hound, b) Bruno du Jura/Jura Hound, c) Luzerner Laufhund/Lucerne Hound, d) Schwyzer Laufhund/Schwyz Hound  


Suomenajokoira/Slovakian Hound (51)


Suomenajokoira/Finnish Hound (51)


Hamiltonstövare/Hamilton Hound (132)

Schillerstövare/Schiller Hound (131)

Smalandsstövare/Småland Hound (129)


1.3. Small sized hounds


Deutsche Bracke/German Hound(299)

Westfälische Dachsbracke/Westphalian Dachsbracke (100)


Basset artésien normand/Artesian-Norman Basset (34)

Basset bleu de Gascogne/Blue Gascony Basset (35)

Basset d´Artois (18)

Basset fauve de Bretagne/Fawn Brittany Basset (36)

Grand Basset griffon vendéen/Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (33)

Petit Basset griffon vendéen/Basset Griffon Vendeen (67)

 Great Britain:

Basset Hound (163)

Beagle (161)


Schweizerische Niederlaufhunde - Petits chiens courants suisses/Small Swiss Hound (60): a) Berner Niederlaufhund/Small Bernese Hound Smooth-haired, b) Petit courant du Jura/Small Jura Hound, c) Luzerner Niederlaufhund/Small Lucerne Hound, d) Schwyzer Niederlaufhund/ Small Schwyz Hound


Drever/Swedish Dachsbracke (130)


Section 2: Leash (scent) hounds


Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund/Bavarian Mountain Scenthound (217)

Hannover´scher Schweisshund/ Hanoverian Scenthound(213)


Alpenländische Daschbracke/Alpine Dachsbracke (254)


Section 3: Related breeds


Dalmatinac/Dalmatian (153)

 Southern Africa (Kennel Union of Southern Africa, Zimbabwe):

Rhodesian Ridgeback (146) 


 Our Sponsors:
Vetlife Geo

Our Visitors:
free counters

Pets friendly hotels:

Hotel Argo Palace *
33 Shanidze Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 32 2250461
Fax: +995 32 2234099
* Pets must be kept in containers while staying in the hotel
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Hostel "Spa"
9 Chiladze Street, Tbilisi
Manager:  Devi Shengelia
Tel: +995 597 979755
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Tbilisi Tower Guest House
18 Kumisi Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 599 098800