Sunday, 23 February 2025
Group II

Section 1: Pinscher and Schnauzer type 

1.1. Pinscher


Dobermann (143): a) Schwarz mit rostrotem Brand/Black with rust red markings, b) Braun mit rostrotem Brand/Brown with rust red markings

Deutscher Pinscher/German Pinscher (184): a) Rotbraun bis hirschrot/Stag-red, red-brown to dark red-brown, b) Schwarz mit rot-braunem Brand/Black with tan markings

Zwergpinscher/Miniature Pinscher (185): a) Rotbraun bis hirschrot/Stag-red, red-brown to dark red-brown, b) Schwarz mit rot-braunem Brand/Black with tan markings

Affenpinscher (186)


Österreichischer Kurzhaariger Pinscher/Austrian short-haired Pinscher (64)


1.2 Schnauzer


Riesenschnauzer/Giant Schnauzer (181), a) Pfeffersalz/Pure black with undercoat , b) Schwarz/ Pepper ans salt

Schnauzer (182): a) Pfeffersalz/Pure black with undercoat, b) Schwarz/ Pepper ans salt

Zwergschnauzer/Miniature Schnauzer (183): a) Pfeffersalz/Pure black with undercoat, b) Schwarz/ Pepper ans salt, c) Schwarz-silber/Black and silver, d) Weiss/Pure white with white undercoat


1.3 Smoushond


Hollandse Smoushond (308)


1.4 Black terrier


Tchiorny Terrier/Black Terrier (327)


Section 2: Molossian type

2.1 Mastiff type


Dogo Argentino(292)


Fila Brasileiro (225)

 China (F.C.I.):

Shar Pei (309)


Broholmer (315)


Deutscher Boxer/German Boxer (144): a) Gelb/Fawn, b) Gestromt/Brindle

Deutsche Dogge/ Great Dane(235): a) Gelb/Fawn, b) Gestromt/Brindle, c) Schwarz/Black, d) GeflecktHarlequin/ e) Blau/Blue

Rottweiler (147)


Perro dogo Mallorquín (Ca de Bou)/ Majorca Mastiff(249)


Dogue de Bordeaux (116)

 Great Britain:

Bulldog (149)

Bullmastiff (157)

Mastiff (264)


Mastino Napoletano/ Neapolitan Mastiff(197)

Cane Corso Italiano/Italian Corso Dog


Tosa (260)


2.2 Mountain type

 Anatolia (F.C.I.):

Coban Köpegi/ Anatolian Shepherd Dog(331)

 Canada (F.C.I.):

Newfoundland (50): a) Black, b) Brown, c) White with black markings


Hovawart (190): a) Black and tan, b) Black, c) Blond

Leonberger (145)

 Germany /  Switzerland:

Landseer (europäisch-kontinentaler Typ)/Continental-European type (226)


Mastín Espanol/Spanish Mastiff(91)

Mastín de los Pirineos/Pyrenean Mastiff (92)


Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées/ Pyrenean Mountain Dog(137)

 Macedonia /  Serbija and  Montenegro:

Jugoslovenski ovcarski pas  / Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog-Sharplanina(41)


Chien de l'Atlas-(Aïdi/Aidi)/Atlas Shepherd Dog (247)


Cao da Serra da Estrela/Serra da estrela Mountain Dog (173): a) Pelo lizo/Smooth-haired, b) Pelo comprido/Long-haired

Cao de Castro Laboreiro/Castro Laboreiro Dog (170)

Rafeiro do Alentejo/Alentejo Mastiff (96)


St. Bernhardshund (Bernhardiner)/Saint Bernard Dog (61): a) Kurzhaarig/Short-haired, b) Langhaarig/Long-haired


Kraski Ovcar/Karst Shepherd Dog(278)


Kavkazskaia Ovtcharka/Caucasian Shepherd Dog (328)

Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka/Central Asia Shepherd Dog (335)

 Tibet (F.C.I.):

Do-Khyi/Tibetan Mastiff (230)

Section 3: Swiss mountain and cattledogs    


Appenzeller Sennenhund/Appenzell Cattle Dog (46)

Berner Sennenhund/Bernese Mountain Dog (45)

Entlebucher Sennenhund/Entlebuch Cattle Dog (47)

Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund/Great Swiss Mountain Dog (58)


 Our Sponsors:
Vetlife Geo

Our Visitors:
free counters

Pets friendly hotels:

Hotel Argo Palace *
33 Shanidze Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 32 2250461
Fax: +995 32 2234099
* Pets must be kept in containers while staying in the hotel
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Hostel "Spa"
9 Chiladze Street, Tbilisi
Manager:  Devi Shengelia
Tel: +995 597 979755
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Tbilisi Tower Guest House
18 Kumisi Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 599 098800