Sunday, 23 February 2025
Group V

Section 1: Nordic sledge dogs


Gronlandshund/Greenland Dog (274)


(Nordic Kennel Union/NKU) Samoiedskaia Sabaka/Samoyed (212)


Alaskan Malamute (243)

Siberian Husky (270)


Section 2: Nordic Hunting Dogs


Norsk Elghund Gra/Norwegian Elkhound grey (242)

Norsk Elghund Sort/Norwegian Elkhound black (268))

Norsk Lundehund/Norwegian Lundehund (265)


Russko-Evropeiskaia Laika/Russian-European Laïka (304)

Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika/East Siberian Laïka (305)

Zapadno-Sibirskaia Laika/West Siberian Laïka (306)


Jämthund/Swedish Elkhound (42)

Norrbottenspets/Norrbottenspitz (276)


Karjalankarhukoira/Karelian Bear Dog (48)

Suomenpystykorva/Finnish Spitz (49)


Section 3: Nordic Watchdogs and Herders

 Iceland (Nordic Kennel Union/NKU):

Islandsk Farehund/Icelandic Sheepdog (289)


Norsk Buhund/Norwegian Buhund (237)


Svensk Lapphund/Swedish Lapphund (135)

Västgötaspets/Swedish Vallhund (14)


Suomenlapinkoira/Finnish Lapphund (189)

Lapinporokoira/Finnish Reindeer Herder (284)


Section 4: European spitz


Deutscher Spitz/German Spitz (97): a) Wolfspitz/Keeshond, b) Grossspitz/Giant Spitz (White, Brown or black), c) Mittelspitz/Medoum size Spitz (White, Brown or black. Orange), d) Kleinspitz/Miniature Spitz (White, Brown or black. Orange), e) Zwergspitz/Pomeranian (Any colour)


Volpino Italiano (195)


Section 5: Asian spitz and related breeds

 China (Great Britain):

Chow Chow (205)


Eurasier/Eurasian (291)


Akita (255)

Hokkaido (261)

Kai (317)

Kishu (318)

Nihon Supittsu/ Japanese Spitz(262)

Shiba (257)

Shikoku (319)


Section 6: Primitive type


Canaan Dog (273)

 Malta (Great Britain)

Pharaoh Hound (248)


Xoloitzquintle/ Mexican Hairless Dog(234): a) Standard, b) Miniatura


Perro sin pelo del Perú/Peruvian Hairless Dog (310): a) Grande, b) Medio, c) Pequeno

 Central African Republic (Great Britain):

Basenji (43)


Section 7: Primitive type - hunting dogs


Podenco Canario/Canarian Warren Hound (329)

Podenco Ibicenco/Warren Hound - Ibizan Podenco (89): a) Pelo alambre/Rough haired, b) Pelo corto/Smooth-haired


Cirneco dell’Etna (199)


Podengo Portugues/Portuguese Warren Hound - Portuguese Podengo (94): a) Pelo cerdoso/Wire-haired (Large, Medium-sized, Miniature), b) Pelo liso/Smooth-haired (Large, Medium-sized, Miniature)


Section 8: Primitive type - hunting dogs with a ridge on the back

 Thailand (Japan):

Thai Ridgeback Dog (338)



 Our Sponsors:
Vetlife Geo

Our Visitors:
free counters

Pets friendly hotels:

Hotel Argo Palace *
33 Shanidze Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 32 2250461
Fax: +995 32 2234099
* Pets must be kept in containers while staying in the hotel
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Hostel "Spa"
9 Chiladze Street, Tbilisi
Manager:  Devi Shengelia
Tel: +995 597 979755
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Tbilisi Tower Guest House
18 Kumisi Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 599 098800