Monday, 31 March 2025
Group VIII

Section 1: Retrivers


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (312)

 Great Britain:

Curly Coated Retriever (110)

Flat Coated Retriever (121)

Labrador Retriever (122)

Golden Retriever (111)


Chesapeake Bay Retriever (263)


Section 2: Flush dogs


Deutscher Wachtelhund/Spaniel (104)

 Great Britain

Clumber Spaniel (109)

English Cocker Spaniel (5): a) red, b) black, c) other colours

Field Spaniel (123)

Sussex Spaniel (127)  

English Springer Spaniel (125)

Welsh Springer Spaniel (126)


Kooikerhondje/Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog (314)


American Cocker Spaniel (167): a) Black, b) Any solid color other than black, c) Particolor


Section 3: Water dogs



Perro de agua español/Spanish Waterdog (336)


Barbet/French Water Dog (105)


Irish Water Spaniel (124)


Wetterhoun/Frisian Water Dog (221


Cao de agua Portugues/Portuguese Water Dog (37): a) pelo encaracolado/Curly, b) pelo ondulado/ Long and wavy  


American Water Spaniel (301)



 Our Sponsors:
Vetlife Geo

Our Visitors:
free counters

Pets friendly hotels:

Hotel Argo Palace *
33 Shanidze Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 32 2250461
Fax: +995 32 2234099
* Pets must be kept in containers while staying in the hotel
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Hostel "Spa"
9 Chiladze Street, Tbilisi
Manager:  Devi Shengelia
Tel: +995 597 979755
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 Tbilisi Tower Guest House
18 Kumisi Street, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 599 098800